Proven Technology
Clinical studies show CoolXChange Gel Bandage works immediately, and continues to provide cool therapy for up to 2 hours, dropping skin temperature by over 10 degrees celsius.

Independent Studies
CoolXChange has partnered with Victoria University to conduct independent studies to compare the effects of CoolXChange to no intervention for recovery following exercise – induced muscle damage.
24 participants performed a severe muscle damaging eccentric exercise with the knee extensors of their non-dominant leg. Following exercise, participants were allocated one of two treatments, applying CoolXChange versus no intervention. The following variables were measured: pre-exercise, then immediately, 1, 3, 7 and 14 days after exercise.
Key Findings
- Reduced skin temperature by an average of 18% after 2 hours
- Reduced deep muscle temperature by an average of 11% after 2 hours
- Substantially lower levels of inflammation, 121% less versus participants with no intervention by Day 14
- A 47% improvement in muscle recovery rate versus participants with no intervention at Day 7
- Participants felt substantially less fatigued 3 days after exercise and more physically ready for exercise 1, 7 and 14 days after exercising
View Products
Managing pain and inflammation has never been easier, with CoolXChange innovative 2 in 1 Gel Bandage.